I love being outdoors, and I love yoga. Both have gotten me through some tough times, both restore my inner happiness, and both help me physically despite all of my orthopedic issues. Without yoga, I would literally not be able to do many of the outdoor adventures that I love so much. The two go hand in hand.

After realizing that yoga needed to be a daily part of my life in order to stay active and happy, I became a yoga teacher, and have since participated in many more trainings and workshops so I can help others stay active and healthy as well. I teach yoga at 2 local YMCAs, and I’m currently in training to become a certified Kripalu Mindful Outdoor Guide – a perfect way to blend yoga and Mother Nature!

With all of that being said, I invite you to read about how yoga has changed my life in so many ways (sounds very cliche, I know, but it’s true!). Yoga truly is for every single person, regardless of age, shape, ability, or flexibility. Hop over to my blog page on Yoga For Real People and you might just be inspired to step onto a yoga mat too.