My first backpacking trip of the year, in FEBRUARY!!! Our weather is so crazy, I never thought I’d be going out overnight this early in the season (I do NOT handle cold nights well). We drove to the Curly Creek trailhead at Lewis River and backpacked out to the Bolt Shelter. It was originally built in 1931, restored in 2013, and is one of the nicest shelters I’ve ever seen in Washington.It even had a very creative Hobbit table and we felt very spoiled.
We thought about camping 1/4 mile away in a much sunnier (and warmer) spot along the river, but the swarming ant hills and thousands of jumping spiders on the grass changed our minds for us very quickly. This quirky warm weather too early in the season is waking up all kinds of creatures that should still be sleeping.
After setting up camp and naming a few massive Douglas firs (William and Eleanor), we collected firewood knowing we’d want a nice big fire at night or we’d be too cold. Steve worked at getting a fire going with wet wood and we were able to keep it going until 11 o’dark, sitting around the fire having surprise birthday muffins and shots of Limoncello! It sure felt good to crawl into my warm and toasty tent and down sleeping bag, and I slept really well, like I usually do when I’m out under the stars.

The next morning Steve miraculously got a fire going again (thank you!!!) and we enjoyed a sunny, lazy morning by the river. After packing up and heading back to the car, we drove further up the road to Lower Falls, which was well worth the bit of extra drive. The falls are incredible right now with all the rain we had last week. Felt like I was at a mini-Niagara 🙂

What a good weekend with friends, sunshine, campfires, massive rainforest trees, waterfalls, and birthday cake!